show me the evidence…

immerses mattress, A High-Specification Pressure Redistribution Mattress designed to control static load and provide ergonomic support, immersed health company

If preventing patient falls from the bed, and pressure injury formation are important to you, then you’ll want assurance that the products you choose really do prevent wounds and falls. How can you be sure? Just ask “Show me the evidence !”

Real, bona-fide clinical evidence from clinical outcome studies performed with multiple real-life patients, and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals is what you should look for. Not internally produced white papers and corporate marketing pieces with lab test results or patient anecdotes.

Read the real-life clinical evidence for the Immersus Mattress, as published in Ostomy Wound Management, and take two minutes to watch our new video to find out more about how the Immersus Mattress is clinically proven to support falls and wound prevention.  Immersus Mattress two-Minute Video.  Contact us for more details: +1-855-994-4325 . 

immerses mattress, A High-Specification Pressure Redistribution Mattress designed to control static load and provide ergonomic support, immersed health company

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