Choosing evidence-based seating solutions as part of your seating evaluation, raises your standard of care

Watch the new Posture-Mate WC video to see how Poor seating product choices can exacerbate poor posture and be uncomfortable. This can lead to slumping and sliding in the chair, increased likelihood for falls, and the formation of pressure injuries and deformities.

The good news is that this can be addressed by using the Posture-Mate WC, HB and G seating systems.

A seating evaluation that focuses on patient history, patient ability and care goals and needs is essential.  Is critical to defining patient needs for certain product functions and features. Selecting the most appropriate product from clinically evidenced products is a sure-fire way to make sure that your selection will work.

Posture-Mate WC enhances and supports correct posture and balance, and the patient’s ability to tolerate sitting correctly for long periods. Ideally, a seat and back combo or complete system will help to promote their functional and ADL ability to its fullest, and assist with correct positioning for normal digestion and breathing. This is the case with Posture-Mate WC.

Optimizing posture and pressure redistribution maximizes comfort, and will allow patients to interact normally and for longer periods, so that they can increase their dignity, self-image and their independence.

A thorough evaluation, followed up with selection of clinically evidenced products such as the Posture-Mate product line, that are proven to work, is your assurance that you are being the best possible advocate for your patients, and providing the highest possible standard of care that you can.


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