Change Agents can improve clinical outcomes through Patient Advocacy and Evidence-Based Care.

Changing Nursing and Operational Practice at your care facility means being brave enough to stick your neck out, be a patient advocate and a Change Agent for higher standards of care…
One of the areas which is hard to change regards support surfaces and seating product selection. Current practice and products used may be based on old habits, convenience and long-standing supplier relationships. But that shouldn’t prevent you from presenting clinical evidence and showing that there are evidence-based solutions, just because your facility has “always done it that way”.
Its easier and  more comfortable to just carry on as usual, without challenging yourself or your facility to look for better solutions that are evidence-based…but being a Change Agent can be truly empowering, and can benefit your patients as well as colleagues and your facility as a whole.
A case in point is the study that Sue Girolami et al performed, to look at more suitable and effective mattress and seating products to protect from pressure injuries and falls. All study participants had been cared for with “classic” non-clinically-validated products. Product choices like Gel-foam overlays, Gel-foam seat cushions, APP pads, alternating air mattresses and standard foam and innerspring mattresses.
By using the Immersus and Posture-Mate ergonomically designed off-loading mattress and seating products, the results showed that perceived comfort, migration, immersion and heel off-loading ratings were significantly higher for the mattress and the seating surface. No falls occurred, and 17 of 35 pre-existing Pressure Injuries in the mattress group, and 17 of 20 Pressure Injuries in the seating study group healed.
It is hard to ignore the clinical evidence and the need to act as a Change Agent to make product selection changes, when faced with compelling results and reasons.
So consider the Immersus Health products, both from an operational and financial perspective, and to improve patient care and outcomes.
Read the full study at  contact me personally, or go to  for more information.
Susan Girolami, BSN, RN, WOCN; Angelene Moore, OTR/L, LMT, LSW; Casey Haper, MOT, OTR/L; Connie Betts, RN, BSN, WCC, OMS; and Tracey Woodward, CRT. A Prospective, Observational Study of High-Specification Foam Immersion Surfaces Used in Populations at High Risk for Pressure Ulcers. Ostomy Wound Management 2014;60(8):30-39
James Hadland
Senior Vice President
Immersus Health

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Immersus Editor

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