Making Prevention a Priority through value-based purchasing and Evidence-Based Outcomes

When we talk about Pressure Injuries, by definition we are describing preventable pressure-related injury to the skin. This is why correct patient assessment and appropriate product selection are so important. Up to 95% of pressure injuries are thought to be preventable, so it is incumbent upon Nursing staff to ensure that appropriate equipment is being used to help stop pressure injuries.

At Immersus, we realize that the sacrum and the coccyx are the most common pressure injury locations, and that pressure on bony prominences can be reduced through correct positioning, which is why we developed the Posture-Mate G, for use with Geri Chairs.

Many facilities have a great number of aging Geri Chairs, which traditionally have been very robust and utilitarian in nature, with stiff vinyl padding, uncomfortable innerspring seats, and exposed metal components. They have frequently been used to recline patients to an angle that will prevent them from falling out of the chair, but this is not a good way to try and create a safe environment. Proper positioning by adding the Posture-mate G has been shown to promote correct posture while creating comfort, and preventing patients from falling.

Have you ever considered that a “frequent faller” patient may be doing so because their seating may simply be too uncomfortable for them to remain in the chair? They try to get out unassisted, and that’s when they fall.

The benefits of using the Posture-Mate G clinically proven “in chair” solution, are that it upgrades the existing Geri Chair, creating an affordable, safe and comfortable seating system, with protection from metal chair components, and offloading of pressure, to prevent and heal pressure injuries.

Patients can sit comfortably in an upright position, which minimizes the risk of pressure injuries and from falling out of the chair. Now the patient can maintain a normal sitting position, which is better for their ADL’s and interaction with others. Compliance is increased and so are patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes.

This is what value-based product selection and outcomes-based care is all about, and making Prevention a Priority. Click on this link or the picture above to view the Posture-Mate G video

Or call us for more details:  +1-855-994-4325

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Immersus Editor

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